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Acupuncture Geneva

Tung method

Master Tung Acupuncture is a way of practicing "original" acupuncture, according to the Tung family line. It is an acupunctural approach little known in the French-speaking countries, which, however, is very effective. It is an ancient Chinese medical tradition whose last representative of the family is Master Tung Ching-Chang (董景昌), born in 1910 in Pingdu (Shandong) in northern China. He fled to Taiwan in 1949 (period under the influence of Mao Ze Dong, Chinese medicine has undergone a major reshuffle by proposing modern Chinese medicine, which has separated from part of the heritage and has favored the Chinese pharmacopoeia over Acupuncture (what the Europeans call "traditional Chinese medicine").

When he moved to Taiwan, Master Tung popularized his family style that had been a family secret for 300 years. Thus, he becomes the most famous Acupuncturist of his time. When his disciples and students adopt his methods, Master Tung decides to present the extraordinary points of his family line while he is still alive. He did not want this method to disappear with him.

It is an Acupuncture based on the mastery of the concept of globality allowing a more traditional view of the human body where human beings are a miniature version of the natural world reflecting the positive and negative changes of this environment. And this unifying concept is based on the great holographic principle of correspondence between the different parts of the body, the different tissues, and the ZANG FU (organs / bowels). This requires a complete and reliable diagnosis focusing on 3 components:

  • sick areas of the body

  • the sick meridians

  • the sick tissue (s)

These data do not converge to give therapeutic points. So, this Acupuncture is based on the meridian of Acupuncture to look for the meridian involved.

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