Serge Romanato
Fascinated by alternative medicine especially Chinese medicine (acupuncture, Chinese massage Tui Na), the principles of rebalancing the body to acquire health, are my vocation.
Currently practitioner in Chinese Medicine, having attended the Liang Shen School in Geneva. I have been interested in various pathways to overall health through nutrition, personal development and meditation.
Practiced therapies like Reiki (taught by Patricia Scuderi at "Papyrus Formation"), some massage techniques including reflexology (taught by Leky Beguin), relaxing massage or Chinese massage Tui Na (which is a manual technique), have allowed me to search for some of the resources that everyone has for their own well-being.
Zen Garden is a therapy center that provides both therapeutic space and relaxation. The health of the body and mind are of great importance to me and that is why I practice Chinese medicine.
For all other questions, I remain at your disposal whether by phone or email.
Your well-being is my priority.